Discover Tickers Anywhere with TruthSayer AI App

Your go-to solution for tracking favorite tickers on the move. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, stay updated with ease wherever you are.
A set of app screenshotsA set of app screenshots

One App
Many Solutions

AI-Powered Insights
Personalized Alerts
Hedge Fund Insights
Community Engagement
News Aggregation
Interactive Visualization
Social Feed Integration
Personal Watchlist


Hedge Fund Insights

Track 3 million + minutes of interviews between institutional investors and subject matter experts

Valuations section in app

Track Insider Transactions that matter

Our AI allows you to discover which insider transactions matter more than others and how you can capture herd buying and selling by insiders

Insider trades section in app

Track and Filter $3.2 trillion in Dark Pool transactions

Dynamically chat with our AI to find out more about which dark pool transactions matter

Dark pools section in app

Track Earnings Performance

Get AI alerts that show you whether you should trade into company earnings based on Machine Learning Algorithms

Earnings section in app

Call Transcripts AI

Our Call Transcripts AI allows you to summarize the latest company earnings conference calls

Call transcript section in app

Valuations AI

Our Valuations AI provides valuation models on 6000+ US-listed stocks and allows retail investors to base their investment decisions on fundamental valuations

Valuations section in app

Proactive AI Chat

Chat with our AI on any financial topic, including earnings releases, valuation models, dark pool transactions, and fundamental analysis. - COMING SOON!

Insider trades section in app

Dynamic Alerts

These are not your fly-by-night price alerts. Get market-moving event alerts, and interact dynamically with our AI to ask more about the alert. - COMING SOON!

Proactove chat section in app

Full Social Capability

Share, discuss and compare investment ideas on TruthSayer AI’s Social Platform. Share across your entire social network, including X, Reddit, Instagram, Meta, etc. with one click - COMING SOON!

Social section in app

Financial Statement AI

Ask TruthSayer AI about Financial Statements data on 6,000 US companies over 20 years. We track over 104 million financial data points

95% accuracy levels. As much as 10x GTP 4 and 4x the closest competitor

Finantial atatements section in app

Powerful Financial Analysis Tools for Mobile

Take control of your investments with our mobile app. Access a range of powerful financial analysis tools anytime, anywhere.


Monitor market trends and track your portfolio performance with ease.


Difficult to find financial data and setup custom alerts.
A set of app screenshots
A set of app screenshots

Effortlessly manage and monitor your investments

Our mobile app provides powerful investment tracking features that allow you to easily manage and monitor your portfolios. Stay on top of your investments with real-time updates and comprehensive analytics.
Real-time portfolio tracking
Comprehensive investment analytics
Customizable alerts and notifications

Experience Financial Freedom Anywhere with Our User-Friendly Interface

Our mobile app provides a seamless and intuitive experience for all your financial activities.

Enhanced Interface

Access powerful financial tools and features with ease on your mobile device.

Simplified Navigation

Effortlessly manage your investments and track your portfolio on the go.
A set of app screenshots

Get Your Answers

Be financial secure, explore the world.
Interact with AI
Get Insights
Interact with AI
Interact with AI
Interact with AI
Interact with AI
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A set of app screenshots

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